I love to see you.. I love to see you, i love to feel you... When it was morning, when it was sunshine I can feel you, in everymoment of my life.. I can feel, i can imagine those happymoment Which you make me realise in everymoment of my life ...So I love to see you, love to feel you again and again... The Morning sunshine, it can make you more More beautiful, it can make you more blushing. I love to see you again and again .... When it's day and when it was sunset.... And all the world drive in to a dark depressing night ..... . I love to see you, in everymoment of my life.. If it sadness, madness or maybe happyness. I don't know, i don't want to know.... What is right, what is wrong.... What's true or what's fake..... I know one thing that..I love you....I love you And I love you....... When I saw you, i afraid to meet you, when I met you, i was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed You...Now that I love you, so I afraid to lose you Ohh, my lo...