DESTINATION OF LIFE. ...... We don't know what is our destination. What is our true aim of life,what we want to do in our life ,what should we really expect from our life. It's a confusion ,it's an unpredictable situation. I find everybody want to spend their life happily peacefully and with complete satisfaction,but sometimes it dose not happen. We feel getting stuck,we feel irritated. We don't see things as they are,we see them a we are..When we start to think that there's no way to live our life happily and peacefully ,there is a positive side for you which works best when you find yourself in the middle of a situation that making you feel like a failure ,and you start beathing yourself up inside. If you think all that happens to you only, not like that ,everyone in his life faces lot's of problems. Sometimes he accepts failure .But most of the time he try to over come from this depressed situation . Some one says,,, Life is like a mirror,we get the ...