Love A fantasy or A fascination

~What is love ?

I always wondered what is love?
It is a difficult question when i want to understand the meaning.
When we think about love, many kind of thoughts come to our mind ,we don't know what is right and what is wrong. In this situation we feel helpless we feel worthless. Our life is so unpredictable we can never take anything for granted.
I think it's a fantasy, it's a feeling , it's an emotion, it's belief in yourself. It's a belief that someone can touch the depth of your heart and your soul. We always waste our time searching for something that is not in our hand or is not ours. Everytime if we are thinking we are happy then we feel happy and satisfied. We feel no problem can ever bother us .. but the moment we think we are unhappy and unsatisfied in our life than the problems start poping up. It's true everything depend on how you react to the situation .
When you start sharing your time with someone it marks the beginning of love.
The hearts get connected when you are in love. It grows with time and the time is very important fact in love ..When we give more time to our patner the relationship grows stronger and perfect. It comes unknowingly. Even looking at someone with attention and merely talking is enough to connect with heart.
Happiness is returned with smile and tears are returns with tears, it becomes the ultimate connection of love.Very little can reach the level of unconditional love where somebody can touch your soul.
Since my adolecence I always felt Love is a bubble which has no reality just a game of physical attraction and nothing else . But with each passing day my opinion changed.
Now a days I think a lot about this different feeling I have for somebody and i feel i am actually in love with him. I never share my feelings with anyone and nobody knows the real me. I feel blessed to be born in this beautiful world for all the magnificent feelings I have for him. I feel this is the time when my childhood dreams will come true . I used to feel the world is made of temporary things never realising the true beauty of life. Now when I close my eyes I see you, I feel you are always inside my heart. I feel beautiful because I can feel the love you have for me. I know you will always be there for me no matter what the situation may be. We might never meet, we might never see each other, I might never get the feeling of your touch, my lips might never kiss your lips but I know right from my heart we will madly love each other till eternity.
My eyes are filled with tears, my heart full of love for you my love. You are a precious diamond for me. I can always feel your strong invisible hugs. God has sent him to make my life complete. He always worriedly asks me why are you sad ? How can I tell him I feel incomplete without him, how can I tell him he is the reason I feel lonely. He came in my life like a blessing. I always tell him I want to see you again and again. I love him and respect him a lot and never ever want to forget him in my life.
Any ways i don't know what is true love  whether it's a fantasy or a fascination but whatever it is, I don't want to wake up from my dream of loving him like never before.

Well next time I want to share some other expriences of my life...
Till then take care and keep spreading love.
Brishti Bheja Meye....


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